Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sh'mot, Exodus 1:1-6:1

Shabbat:  December 29, 2007/20 Tevet 5768

This is a great passage.  It covers the slavery in Egypt, the midwives' rebellion against Pharoh, and Moses' call to service.

I'm especially interested in it, because this was the Torah portion for my birthday.
I had originally planned to spend more time studying the portion, and then writing a hopefully decent essay about it.  I had also planned to continue doing this each week.  

So far, I feel I have fallen short, but...that's not unlike how Moses felt when he was chosen to lead the Hebrews.
He believed that he wasn't good enough; he thought that HaShem should have chosen someone who was a better speaker, who was more charismatic, who was, well, not Moses.  But, as we know, he was convinced otherwise by certain miracles.  This is where we're very different; I don't have a staff, much less one that was turned into a snake before my eyes. 

Even so, there are some important things that I need to learn as I begin my 28th year:
  • Speak up for myself, when the situation calls for it
  • Correct injustices happening around me
  • Believe that I am capable of more than I know now